What is the EnSO project?
EnSO will bring major leaps in the development of European IoT energy micro sources to European industry. In addition, it will provide a wide range of innovative electronic objects that will be autonomous, intelligent, networked, secure, trusted, etc.
The buzzword »Internet of Things« (IoT) is gaining more and more attention in the electronic industry. The Internet of Things is a concept in which everyday objects can communicate with each other and are connected via the Internet. It is expected that by 2020, 24 billion connected devices will be in operation worldwide. More than a third of these devices are expected to be IoT Smart Objects during this period.
A key element here is the electronic hardware, which is based on several components, such as sensors, actuators, micro-controllers, communication interfaces, energy harvesters and storage devices. These smart objects have some requirements: they should be autonomous, easy to use, as small as possible, robust and durable.
The project has a term of 4 years and runs from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019
EnSO was approved for financing under the Joint Undertaking ECSEL in cooperation with the European Union Framework Program (H2020 / 2014-2020) and national authorities under Grant Agreement No. 692482.
The project will receive an ECSEL JU grant of up to € 18.7 million out of a total budget of € 82 million, with national funding from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the Switzerland is financed.
EnSO has been selected on the basis of the following key characteristics among other projects submitted under the 2015 call for proposals for pilot projects:
- The consortium's excellence, including universities, institutes, SMEs and large enterprises
- Developing innovative solutions using innovative technologies in the context of the ECSEL Strategic Thrusts
- Creating a new and realistic research and development and innovation environment
- Producing demonstrators in sufficient quantities to determine their value and potential
- Development of an introduction plan leading to production in Europe