A search engine for neural networks
The trick is to adapt the neural network to make it as simple as possible and yet still capable of delivering powerful results. The NAS toolset developed is geared toward this multi-objective optimization. First, it generates various modifications of the network. Next, it calculates their performance in advance in terms of memory requirements, energy consumption, latency, and accuracy. On this basis, it then selects the network that best meets the requirements. In effect, the researchers are developing a kind of search engine for neural networks. Ultimately, this is how it should work: the user enters the type of neural network required, defines the hardware conditions under which it is to run, and determines the criteria according to which it is to be optimized. The result is an appropriately adapted network that is ideally tailored to the hardware.
Once it has been set up, the toolset developed can be adjusted to work for other healthcare and industrial applications and their specific requirements. This means edge devices with integrated AI will be ready to go sooner. At the same time, NAS can specifically reduce their energy consumption, which helps make the development of AI more sustainable.