Annual Report: Highlights 2023

Cutting-edge research drives your success

Dear readers,

Developing outstanding products and services for our customers, initiating groundbreaking research projects, and building a more sustainable world are objectives that Fraunhofer IIS has pursued intensively over the last year. This Annual Report provides insights into our wide-ranging activities in a new, compact format.

In 2024, we will continue working on the major challenges that face our economy and society. As part of the Bavarian Chip Design Center, for example, we are helping to bolster the technological sovereignty and competitiveness of the Bavarian economy in collaboration with Fraunhofer AISEC and Fraunhofer EMFT as well as five higher education institutions. The new center is devoted to training skilled workers, facilitating access to manufacturing and supply chains for integrated circuits, and building up an ecosystem for chip design. Find out more here.

In terms of focus topics and flagships that showcase our institute’s innovative capacity, we have identified four strategic initiatives that are key to determining future developments and that we wish to specifically support: neuromorphic computing, 5G/6G mobile technologies, generative AI in speech and signal processing, and X-ray imaging in electromobility. You will find more information on these topics in our online magazine over the course of the year and, of course, in our next Annual Report.

We look forward to bringing you many fascinating insights into our work!

© Fraunhofer IIS / Peter Roggenthin
Directors of Fraunhofer IIS (from left): Professor Bernhard Grill, Professor Albert Heuberger, Professor Alexander Martin

Facts and figures



Development Center for X-Ray Technology

Smart recycling of packaging waste


Every year, 5.7 million metric tons of plastic waste are generated in Germany.
At the Fraunhofer IIS Development Center for X-Ray Technology, we are working to develop an holistic solution for the recycling of plastic packaging with the help of AI.



Positioning and Networks

Safe even without a network thanks to mioty®


In an emergency, lone workers rely heavily on a functioning alarm system that ensures rapid assistance even in critical areas that lack mobile coverage. By incorporating mioty® wireless technology, our experts have developed a powerful radio solution in collaboration with Swissphone Wireless.


Engineering of Adaptive Systems Division

AI Application and Test Center: Tailor-made AI consulting for companies


The AI Application and Test Center (ATKI) will be established until 2025 at the Dresden location. The center will offer tailor-made consulting and services for companies.


Audio and Media Technologies

Perfect sound, no strings attached. LC3/LC3plus ensure excellent sound when transmitting via Bluetooth & Co.


With the communication codecs from Fraunhofer IIS, sound arrives perfectly even via wireless connections – regardless of how elaborate the media production, how innovative the audio format, or how high-quality the wireless speaker system may be.


Communication Systems

FOBP: A laboratory in space


The Fraunhofer On-Board Processor can be controlled and reprogrammed from Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. For companies and research institutes from the world of satellite communications, this provides an opportunity to test the functionality of new technologies in the real conditions found in space. 


Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services

New Space and AI join forces to tackle land consumption


Although it is estimated that some 5 to 10 percent of industrial sites in Germany lie unused, there is currently no nationwide map of such sites. Now, this problem will be addressed by AI with a view to identifying unused sites based on satellite images. This project by our Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services serves as an example for other New Space applications.


Smart Sensing and Electronics

ADELIA: Analog technology creates efficient AI accelerator

The Analog Deep Learning Inference Accelerator (ADELIA) Gen2 ASIC allows rapid and energy-efficient computing of deep neural networks (DNNs).

In brief


Bavarian Chip Design Center (BCDC)


Biogenic value creation and smart farming


Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD)



Videos and pictures on the annual report 2023


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ARGOS - New Space and AI join forces to tackle land consumption


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K3I-CYCLING – AI-assisted optimization of the recirculation of plastic packaging n


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Safe even without a network thanks to mioty®


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ADELIA: Analog technology creates efficient AI accelerator


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Fraunhofer On-Board Processor (FOBP) – The laboratory in space


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Publishing notes


Agnes Pelzl (editor-in-chief), Thoralf Dietz, Lisa Ullrich, Patricia Petsch


Editorial team

Mandy Garcia, Julian Hörndlein, Jennifer Karbach, Thomas Kestler, Sandra Kundel, Oliver Koprivnjak, Hannah Pohl, Angela Raguse, Daniela Rembor, Katrin Schindler, Syndia Seitz, Diana Staack-Tettling, Lucas Westermann, Stephan Wengenroth, Claudia Wutz, Akvile Zaludaite


Report period

January 1 to December 31 2023

© Fraunhofer IIS

Erlangen, March 2024


Online Magazine


Annual Report 2022


Thoralf Dietz

Contact Press / Media

Thoralf Dietz

Head of Corporate Communications

Fraunhofer IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058  Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 776-1630

Lisa Hager

Contact Press / Media

Lisa Hager

Corporate Communications

Fraunhofer IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 776-1637