Berlinale Relies on Fraunhofer IIS Expertise to Test Digital Film Formats
According to the latest market analysis more than half of all worldwide movie screens have been converted to digital cinema. Especially for smaller post-production houses, mastering DCPs (digital cinema packages) can be a challenge. In order to have all movies ready for screening on February 9th for the opening of the Berlin International Film Festival, called Berlinale, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS supports the technical quality control of all submissions of data media and movies in the DCP format.Datenträger und Filme im DCP-Format.

Prepared for the general trends in cinema production, the Berlinale is ready for the rising number of submissions in digital cinema formats. To ensure a high level of technical performance and reliability, all digital material undergoes technical quality control. This includes the conversion of digital cinema packages into a format ready for playback.
Festival manager Johannes Wachs strongly welcomes the cooperation: »In Fraunhofer IIS we found a partner with proven expertise in the field of digital cinema who makes our work much easier testing the specific digital formats.«
Commissioned by Digital Cinema Initiatives DCI, a joint venture of Hollywood Studios, Fraunhofer IIS produced the first compliance test plan for digital cinema systems. It ensures that in the age of digital cinematography exhibitors can show motion pictures in digital form in their theatres worldwide. Fraunhofer experts also created system specifications for digital cinema for the German Federal Film Board (FFA). Cooperations with partners from the industry propel innovative developments in this area.
Siegfried Fößel, head of the Moving Picture Technologies department at Fraunhofer IIS, affirms: »We are very pleased to assist one of the landmark film festivals of international standing with our expertise. The cooperation with and support of filmmakers gave us the unique opportunity to offer our developments and technologies tailored to the needs and expectations of the film industry.«