Since this year the Focke-Museum in Bremen extend multimedia guides on Tablet-PCs. The digital guide operates like a personal one. They catch the speaker’s eye unrestricted and refer on exhibits and multimedia additional information.
The guide is ideal for the “Bremer Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte” with its four historical buildings, the modern main building and the show magazine. “There was a big interest to the media guide since the beginning – across all groups of age.” says Norbert Kölle, commercial manager of the Focke-Museum. “The visitors use enthusiastic the suggestions on the Tablet-PCs like fotos, movies and music.
The positioning software awiloc from the Fraunhofer IIS is used to determine the current location. It is only nessecary to use the signal strength of WLAN- or Bluetooth Transmitters.
The guide was compiled by gewerk design and was implemented by Lotsenhaus Media.