With the NAMES© project - a robust and error-tolerant positioning at home is realised - which works without any transition outdoors and in the apartment. Due to the communication skills of this solution, it is possible to conduct manual (initiated by the user), as well as automated (initiated by an event) emergency functions.
In order to avoid false alarms, the new development of the indoor-positioning is secured via two independent technologies: e-home ceiling-sensors and iBeacons. The Fraunhofer IIS’s awiloc® positioning solution uses these Beaconsignals - based on a fingerprinting technology - to determine the location. The innovation of the positioning solution consists of a coordinate-free position localization, which can be directly allocated to the affected room, based on signal images. This means that positioning is possible without using a map. The localization generates commonly understood semantic terms (e.g. names for rooms like kitchen, dining room). Thus, a faster and simpler installation of the system is assured.
TeleOrbit® merges the above mentioned technologies with the existing outdoor-positioning technology. The applied emergency call - and alarm application was developed further to be used in smartphone-watches and optimized for indoor-positioning. The new NAMES-app is installed on the smartphone-watches, which send automatic alarms and manual emergency calls and transfer the current position inside or outside of a building.
The whole system can be applied for different scenarios as to determine a person’s location, to monitor certain areas, as well as for manual and automatic emergency functions and the best possible support whenever it is required.
In case of specific application scenarios, every alarm can be allocated to a room to detect uncommon behaviour. Staying 3 hours in the bathroom, for instance, can be a hint for a fall or staying one day in the bedroom can indicate a bad overall condition.
Project partners:
- TeleOrbit GmbH, Nürnberg (Projectleader)
- ACX GmbH, Zwickau
- Fraunhofer IIS, Nürnberg
- wbg Nürnberg GmbH
- avendi Senioren Service GmbH, Weißenfels
Supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) within the framework of the Central Innovation Program "middle class" (ZIM).