Digital Sensory Perception

We create sensor systems and analytics inspired by human perception with a focus on the chemical senses. In our developments in artificial intelligence, we take into account the unique abilities of humans to process information.

System Development for the Digitization of Sensory Perception


Here you can find our current press releases, papers and events at a glance:



Monitoring and anomaly detection for gases and odors

Smart Sensors for Gas and Odor Detection

We offer system solutions for application-specific gas sensors and their AI-based evaluation.



AI-based elucidation of structure-odor-relationships

AI-based Software for Scent Prediction


We organize and model the effect of chemical structures on human perception.

Hot Topics


Tech Demo Sensor Click Boards

We offer sensor boards connected to interface units as well as sensor boards in daisy chain configuration

Campus of the Senses

The Campus of the Senses focusses on the chemosensory perception and automated digitization of chemical senses of taste and smell.


PINOT Project

AI in the wine industry

The aim of the PINOT project is to research and implement sensor-based AI systems that are to be used in the entire value chain of wine, i.e. from cultivation to sale to customers.