Environmental changes are now reaching historic levels in intensity and speed: drastic declines in biodiversity and climate change are increasingly destabilizing our ecosystems with unforeseeable consequences for humans and animals. More and more animals are being displaced from their natural habitats in search of food and are invading human living spaces.
To counter these developments and protect biodiversity, we have joined forces with the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in the GAIA Initiative. Together with our project partners, Vectronic Aerospace GmbH and Rapid Cubes GmbH, we developed a high-tech early warning system that detects ecological changes and critical events in the environment.
By using state-of-the-art camera tags with sensor-based artificial intelligence and satellite-based IoT communication, the behavior of wild animals can be precisely analyzed and comprehensively documented. This allows suitable measures to be taken at an early stage to promote biodiversity and prevent negative developments in the long term.