CloudCT - web-based data management for industrial CT

In a modern industrial context, it is impossible to conceive of product development and production without industrial computed tomography. CloudCT was developed to make CT more user-friendly and to make it easier to deal with the amount of data. CloudCT is web-based software used in CT data management for storing and visualizing the wide variety of data that have to be generated and managed in the field of industrial CT, including projection data, volume data, documents and metadata. CloudCT can be accessed with common browsers from any computer without having to install additional programs.

Grafik zur Funktionsweise von CloudCT
© Fraunhofer IIS
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Central data storage

The consistent and comprehensive storage of all CT data and the ability to view and process the data from any computer have considerably increased the efficiency of industrial CTs. Users can access the data at any time, from anywhere, and are not required to use a specific computer. In addition, inconsistencies in the data pool are no longer possible because all data is stored in a central location instead of being distributed across several data storage media as is often the case at present. Users of industrial CTs no longer have to take care of organizing their data pools because CloudCT does it systematically. Data can be found quickly and easily using a search function and via a series of search criteria: name, data, user, and key words. In addition, the use of a central RAID system increases data security.

Basic version Extended version
Real-time information regarding ongoing CT scans Calculation and display of CT statistics
Automatic transfer of the measurement data from ongoing CT scans External and direct customer access to their own measurement results
Central storage of all CT data Online visualization of image data
Flexible access via a browser without having to install other programs Data compression and archiving
Real-time status monitoring of CTs Notification of events via email (e.g., completed measurement)
Preview of transferred projection and volume data Smartphone CloudCT app, including push notifications
Easy data search Online processing of image data (reconstruction, point cloud extraction, technical measurement assessment, ...)