Luther portrait by Cranach

Wissenschaftler prüfen am PC das Ergebnis einer 3D-CT-Untersuchung des Cranach Luther-Bildnisses.
© Fraunhofer IIS
The 3D CT examination of the artwork is intended to provide information about the exact composition and arrangement of the paint layers.
around 1570/1590
Origin Germany
Artist / manufacturer Cranach, Lucas (the Elder)
Material Copperplate
Inventory no. K868
Customer Germanisches Nationalmuseum
© Fraunhofer IIS
Technology 3D CT, tomosynthesis
System Tomomat
Objective Analyze the composition and arrangement of paint layers


This is Lucas Cranach’s first portrait of Luther, which was suppressed in the years around 1520.

© Fraunhofer IIS
© Fraunhofer IIS
© Fraunhofer IIS
The X-ray images make it possible to draw conclusions about the condition of the primer used.