Fraunhofer IIS has issued a challenge – will you accept?
Fraunhofer IIS has several challenges in store for participants, here a two examples of what you can discover:
- In the Fraunhofer IIS AI showroom in the Augustinerhof, everything revolves around – what else? – the hot topic of artificial intelligence. Here, your virtual guide Ada Lovelace takes you through the showroom, where modern demonstrators illustrate how AI is already being applied today.
- In the challenge at the ADA Lovelace Center for Analytics, Data and Applications, you’ll learn even more about AI, such as how algorithms work and how to train them. You can then test your knowledge in a quiz.
But the app includes more than just these three tasks. In total, there are 21,800 square kilometers to explore, more than 90 quizzes to play and 20 badges to collect. And at the end, players can take part in a raffle to win great prizes. The app also offers anyone who is interested (especially high-schoolers and university students and graduates) the opportunity to make valuable contacts for their future careers and to apply directly for open positions. Want to find out more? The app is available for download at:
Enjoy your journey of discovery!
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