Reality check for your use cases
Driving the nationwide rollout of 5G at high speed while preparing for the next generation of mobile networks?
While future standards such as 6G are being defined, the challenge remains to translate the innovations of 5G into practical applications. This tension between the further development of technical standards and the market launch of available technologies requires in-depth expertise and realistic test environments so that companies can identify, validate and optimise the full potential of their product and service ideas and prototypes at an early stage.
The Fraunhofer IIS testbeds close precisely this gap - with customised test environments and state-of-the-art test equipment that can be adapted to application-specific needs.
Industry 4.0 5G Positioning and Communication Testbed - A world-leading, vendor-independent Open RAN 5G testbed for Industry 4.0, logistics and automation. With over 11,000 m² of space, this infrastructure offers versatile rooms with office space, industrial hall and outdoor facilities. Companies can test applications such as AI-supported 5G positioning, real-time robot control and wireless sensors in production.
Nomadic 5G Positioning Testbed- A mobile test environment that integrates 5G positioning into existing infrastructures. By integrating real-time 5G positioning into private 5G networks, it enables fast and flexible testing of applications in areas such as critical infrastructure, security and robotics.
Mobile Campus Network - A portable 5G infrastructure that enables organisations to deploy a secure, powerful and scalable network at their own site. This enables on-site testing of industrial applications before investment decisions are made.