This project aims to develop a GOOSE© GNSS receiver that ensures a robust and precive navigation during the first stage of a launcher: from lift-off to the orbit insertion. Dynamics, vibrations, the antenna pattern, and the launcher’s attitude will affect the synchronization of the GOOSE© receiver with the incoming GNSS signals. Therefore, a robust tracking architecture is required to maintain a continuous synchronization and, in turn, a continuous position, velocity, and time (PVT) solution.

Additionally, this project evaluates the integration of an adaptive PPP engine in the GOOSE© receiver to achieve centimeter level accuracy.

This activity is carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency. The view expressed here does not reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

Goals of the project

  • Efficient low-complex vector tracking architecture ensuring robust navigation
  • Analyzing the capabilities of GNSS-only AFTS
  • Implemention of PPP engine in GOOSE ©
  • Very good collaboration with ESOC
© Fraunhofer IIS/Inigo Cortes

Adaptive Ultra-Tight Integration Architecture

  • Synchronization robustness under harsh scenarios
  • Intelligent collaborative tracking
  • Low time complexity
  • Low power consumption thanks to the hot start and the rapid relock features
  • Efficient integrated hatch filter