Gas Sensor Selection & Evaluation

Taylor-made Gas Sensor Systems with Low-cost Commercial Sensors

Unsure which sensors fit your application and how they perform under real-world conditions throughout the product lifecycle?

We help you to select, combine, evaluate, and develop a system using appropriate commercial sensors for your use case.

As part of our innovative services, we offer comprehensive sensor evaluation studies. We design these completely according to your customer requirements:
Our services include the development and construction of demonstrators as well as complex test setups under real conditions. This enables us to guarantee you appropriate and practical results.
We also perform precise reference measurements in the laboratory and evaluate them using customized algorithms.
Examples include a test setup for early fire detection and the construction of demonstrators for an environmental monitoring station.

For reliable and meaningful analysis in sensor research, rely on our expertise!


From individual modules to complete sensor packages –
all from a single source

Study Phase

Development Phase

Testing Phase

Definition der Anforderungen und Vorauswahl geeigneter Sensoren; ggf. Durchführung von orientierenden Messungen
Creation of a test concept, development and construction of a test rig, performance of first preliminary tests
Execution of the measurement campaign; evaluation and assessment of all sensors, integration support
Duration: 2-4 months Duration: 6-9 months Duration: 6-12 months
Complete requirements specification, sensor selection, and final workshop presentation
Detailed test concept, laboratory test setup and initial measurement results 
Comprehensive measurement reports and expert assessment for selection and implementation
DSP – Techem Demoboard
© Fraunhofer IIS/Bianca Möller

AI Optimization: Distinction of Coffee Brands and Types

We want to develop smart systems that can solve problems with simple and inexpensive sensors. For this, we combine these sensors with Artificial Intelligence. See how our coffee demonstrator can distinguish different types and brands of coffee. 

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Development of the Multigas Sensor Technology

Custom development of a compact modular multi-gas sensor for specific applications.



Intelligent Sensor Technology for Gases and Odors

Our offer – demand-oriented gas sensor system development


PINOT Project

AI in the Wine Industry

The aim of the PINOT project is to research and implement sensor-based AI systems that are to be used in the entire value chain of wine, i.e. from cultivation to sale to customers.