
Transforming connectivity with AI: Research Project XGDensify

The research and development project "XGDensify" outlines an innovative approach on accelarating 5G and 6G coverage in urban and campus areas. 

The project aims to signaficantly increase the accuracy of mobile network quality by using high-precision maps and 3D-models, incorporating scientific propagation models and applying new algorithmic approaches, including fast multi-objective opimization optimization and environmental classification.


XGDensify will combine three innovative approaches:

Creation and use of 3D digital twins, high-precision 3D environment plans (indoor & outdoor) and existing network infrastructure




Testing of deterministic RF radio propagation models from science for better prediction of quality characteristics and network coverage




AI-based approaches for the identification and classification of objects, as well as algorithmic approaches for the multi-objective optimization of new mobile radio sites (quality/RoI/TTM/sustainability)

XGDensify contributes to the accelerated development of various sectors and new use cases. These include, in particular, telemedicine, smart cities, autonomous vehicles and industrial applications.


Project consortium

Fraunhofer IIS shares its leadership of this project with the software company TECTWIN.


This project is being funded by the German Federal Ministery for Digital and Transport and is part of the funding program InnoNT (Innovative Netztechnologie).