Environment & Safety

With gas sensor technology, we can serve applications where monitoring concentrations of harmful and toxic gases is relevant. This is an important step on the way to better health and more safety in everyday life - be it outdoors, indoors, in vehicles or on industrial sites.

Indoor Air Quality
Do you focus on air quality monitoring with smart home devices and HVAC systems? Convince your customers with reliable, reproducible readings through optimized measuring systems. We help you select the optimal components for your sensor system or develop new ones.

Outdoor Air Quality
Is compliance with AQI values in cities and municipalities your concern? Ensure more precise values by collecting data at multiple monitoring stations at lower cost. This approach can become the basis for relevant measures such as environmentally sensitive traffic control.

Industrial Safety
Safety is your first priority? Demand-driven development of gas sensor systems for industrial plants helps, for example, to reliably identify leaks, avoid false alarms and the associated costs.

Fire Protection
Fire gas detection offers an alternative to scattered light and IR detectors, e.g. for concealed surfaces such as in silos, recycling plants, high-bay warehouses and difficult environmental conditions.
In addition, false alarms can be identified with the help of gas sensors by detecting the source of the fire (e.g. toast fire, burger fire or cigarette smoke). Fire odor detection can even help determine the cause of the fire.

Enhance the in-vehicle user experience by monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. Offer more comfort and safety with automatic, on-demand ventilation systems.

Tell us more about your application. 

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Selection & Evaluation of the Gas Sensor Technology

Independent consulting on selection, combination and AI optimization of commercially available sensors.


Development of Multigas Sensor Technology

Custom development of a compact modular multi-gas sensor for specific applications.



Laboratory Infrastructure & Know-How

Measurement concepts, test measurements and recording of optical fingerprints for customer-specific problems