Optical 3D sensors for tire geometry inspection
Our in-line tire geometry inspection software TireChecker is designed to work with customer-specific sensors that we tailor to each customer’s specific needs. The use of sheet-of-light technology assures the capture of the three-dimensional surface of the tire in high resolution and at high speeds. Based on this data, geometric features such as lateral and radial runout, wobble or circumference can be calculated quickly and accurately, and quality-relevant local shape deviations such as bulges and depressions can be reliably detected and classified.
Robust sensor technology for industrial use
TireChecker sensors are specifically designed for continuous use in demanding industrial environments and are successfully deployed with customers worldwide in a variety of tire testing machines from different manufacturers ranging from car, truck and off-road tires to motorcycle applications.
Customized sensor design
TireChecker sensors are engineered to meet each customer’s specific requirements in terms of measurements, machine and other engineering constraints. This ensures the best possible system solutions to be implemented for almost any testing situation. This flexibility allows them to be seamlessly integrated into almost any existing tire testing machine.
If you are interested in licensing TireChecker sensor technology or require metrological solutions for any measuring or testing tasks in your production process, then please do not hesitate to contact us. |