ParasiteWeb® is a web platform for performing virtual EQA (External Quality Assessment) and IQC (Internal Quality Control) for the microscopic detection of parasites in clinical samples.
Quality assurance of medical laboratories is essential to ensure reliable analytical services. High-quality laboratory services are a prerequisite for avoiding misdiagnosis and treatment errors.
The performance of independent, external laboratory tests, in the form of so-called proficiency tests, means an enormous logistical effort for the proficiency test providers. This concerns in particular the sample preparation for the participating laboratories and the procurement of adequate sample material for microscopic parasite detection. Currently, hundreds of slides have to be prepared and shipped for one proficiency test. The laboratories have to finance this high effort accordingly.
How can external quality assurance be automated and the time and financial effort kept to a minimum?
One answer is provided by our web-based training platform ParasiteWeb® for external and internal quality assurance in microscopic parasitology.