Material detection

At a glance

Lost articles, incorrect material replenishment, and removal errors in production, logistics and assembly all result in high costs for companies. In the downstream process chain, these errors can lead to line stoppages, subsequent delivery delays and rejects. In addition, material flows often have to be recorded by hand. The great deal of manual work this involves is costly.


With the intelligent object and fill-level monitoring system developed by Fraunhofer IIS, this can be avoided. IndLoc® technology has been refined so it can now detect various metallic objects as well. Originally, it was necessary to attach a small passive coil to the object to be localized; now, this is no longer necessary for conductive objects. Accordingly, the system can accurately tell various metallic objects apart without visual contact, display the fill level of the detected objects and distinguish electronic components from one another.   

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Material detection


Material detection enables the precise determination of the type and quantity of conductive objects, for instance various screw types. This greatly facilitates and accelerates a whole range of different picking processes. 

Fill-level detection


Inductive near-field positioning can also be used to detect the fill level of the target material type. Here, the system identifies short-term changes in the fill quantity of the individual containers and displays them in real time in the associated back-end system.  



Electronics detection


This involves the contactless identification of packaged electronic components. Here, electronics with only minimal differences can be distinguished from one another and the algorithms further developed using machine learning.


What we offer

Your research partner

At Fraunhofer IIS, we would be delighted to assist you with the implementation of your IndLoc® system. To this end, we develop a prototype tailored to your use case, carry out feasibility studies on your behalf and support you throughout as an impartial research partner. Let us know your problem and together we’ll find a solution!


IndLoc® technology is open to a whole range of further developments. We are happy to develop further application-specific localization systems for you, enabling you to get the best possible solution for your problem.

Further Information


SmaRackT is a research project in which a material flow monitoring system was developed and evaluated. The system can identify and quantify goods using inductive near-field positioning.